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Report: MSF asks: 'Where is Everyone?'

Interesting points from the British journalist Ian Birrell (and MSF): when aid agencies leave, ie. South Sudan, it's attitude, not money....


Globalisering gør hverdagen meget sjovere

I nat kørte jeg med bus 5A gennem en god strækning København, og faldt først i snak med to somaliere, som sad overfor mig. Samtalen...

PHOTO: Black & White

PERSONAL STORIES: Logic by an Icelandic 11-year-old.

Baltasar: 'Have they told you when to go back to Africa? Maybe you could stay much longer in Iceland, and teach Danish in our school?'...


MUSIC: Die Antwoord

"It's associated with people who soup their cars up and rock gold and shit. Zef is, you're poor but you're fancy. You're poor but you're...

It's high tide

Indian Ocean switched from calm turquoise to wet tarmac. Kumbe! Moon up on blue sky in afternoon. Meeting familiar faces on strange... / Signal & WhatsApp +4529717068 

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